Hi, I’m Tash and I currently work as an NZ Reps Registered Personal and Group Fitness trainer at SWET.
In 2018, I also trained to become certified as a Pelvic Floor Safe Instructor. This certification allows me to identify if you have, or are at risk of pelvic floor problems AND then support you with a pelvic floor safe programme in conjunction with a continence professional (if required).
I am also a mother to my two gorgeous boys, Louie & Kiwa. Who were born late 2017 and June 2020. Under the guidance of a qualified personal trainer, I have experienced exercising while pregnant, and then post-partum, a transition back to exercising again. I know the struggles involved with regaining strength, and more importantly what it feels like to build that confidence to return to activity again. These unique and valuable experiences are what sparked my passion and interest in pre-natal and post-partum fitness and gave me the drive to start my M&D classes. I have implemented so much of what I have learned into practice and continue to rely on my experiences, education, and training to guide me in developing these specialised and tailored sessions for you.
Hi, I’m Jenny, I made the return to the fitness industry in 2018 armed with some good old life experience and a truck load of passion for the changes that can be made to your body, mind, and ultimately your future by developing and sustaining healthy habits.
I’m a huge advocate for functional fitness and a big believer in the benefits of core strength and stability work. As a scoliosis warrior (I choose not to suffer it) core work has been vital to my postural alignment and pain management. I am a certified Pelvic Floor safe instructor and know from experience the struggle involved in returning to exercise after having a baby, or being the mum trying to exercise with a toddler in tow. I’m now the mum who works out with her kids and we love it. I just wish there had been classes like SWET’s M&D movement when I was a new mum!
In short, I love what exercise does for me and to me. Exercise has given me confidence, strength, health, happiness, stress relief, me time, a community of like-minded people, a feeling of accomplishment and a burning desire to share all of that with others.