6 August 2019

Media Release – Get Social by Group Exercising

From: NZ Register of Exercise Professionals

Group exercise was arguably where the modern exercise industry began with people engaging in ‘keep fit’ classes to music in community centres and halls around the country during the 1970’s.

While the offerings now in the group exercise space are more diverse, and available in gyms as well as community facilities, the idea of combining exercise with social interaction remains the same. With offerings including high intensity interval classes (HIIT), strength, dance and mind-body classes, it’s not one size fits all.

The social benefits of group exercise are one of its main attractions. Having a group of like-minded people around you inspires, encourages and motivates. There are also benefits with accountability, knowing that there are others being challenged like you helps keep you moving.

Many exercise facilities offer a range of classes big and small. Professionally run classes are also popping up in community settings and small studios, so regardless of where you are, in a big city or small community, you will be able to find classes that suit you.

The group exercise class format is great for those new to exercising as it allows you to follow the instructor and participate without having to have an in-depth knowledge of exercise. For those worried about being on ‘display’, far from being watched by others, you’ll find yourself being surrounded by a group of likeminded people who are enjoying themselves and are supportive of your journey.

There is a financial benefit as well. Exercising in a group means you get the support of an exercise professional at a lower cost due to being part of a group exercising together.

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